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本文档的 vitepress 配置

仅供参考 , 更多配置请查看官方文档

import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
import { version } from '../../packages/electronup/package.json'

export default defineConfig({
  title: 'electronup中文文档',
  description: 'electron 的构建所需',
  base: '/electronup/',
  lang: 'en',
  head: [['link', { rel: 'icon', href: 'favicon.ico' }]],
  markdown: {
    lineNumbers: true
  lastUpdated: true,
  appearance: true,
  themeConfig: {
    siteTitle: 'electronup中文文档',
    logo: '/favicon.ico',
    lastUpdatedText: '最后更新时间',
    footer: {
      message: 'Released under the MIT License.',
      copyright: 'Copyright © 2023-08-present 安静'
    docFooter: {
      prev: '上一页',
      next: '下一页'
    nav: nav(),
    socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: '' }],
    sidebar: {
      '/about/': [
          text: '关于',
          items: [{ text: '文档配置', link: '/about/' }]

function nav() {
  return [
      text: '指引',
      link: '/introduce/project',
      activeMatch: '/introduce|main|renderer|config|builder/'
      text: '关于',
      link: '/about/',
      activeMatch: '/about/'
      text: '相关文档',
      items: [
          text: 'electron',
          link: ''
          text: 'vite',
          link: ''
          text: 'tsup',
          link: ''
          text: 'electron-builder',
          link: ''
      text: version,
      items: [
          text: '组织',
          link: ''
          text: '友情连接/sky',
          link: ''

function introduceSidebar() {
  const commonRoute = [
      text: '介绍',
      items: [
        { text: '项目介绍', link: '/introduce/project' },
        { text: '快速上手', link: '/introduce/introduction' },
        { text: '目录', link: '/introduce/catalogue' },
        { text: '命令行界面', link: '/introduce/cli' },
        { text: '配置', link: '/introduce/config' }
      text: '插件',
      items: [
        { text: '插件总览', link: '/plugins/' },
        { text: 'parser-config', link: '/plugins/parser-config' },
        { text: 'create-electronup', link: '/plugins/create-electronup' },
        { text: 'electron-ipc', link: '/plugins/electron-ipc' },
        { text: 'electron-preload', link: '/plugins/electron-preload' },
        { text: 'electron-browser', link: '/plugins/electron-browser' }
      text: 'API',
      items: [{ text: 'API', link: '/api/' }]

  return {
    '/introduce/': commonRoute,
    '/plugins/': commonRoute,
    '/api/': commonRoute


Released under the MIT License.